Posts Tagged ‘Urination’

One Year Papillon Peeing on Bed!! Help!

Thursday, April 24th, 2008


 I have a nearly one year old Papillon (spayed) who has been peeing on the bed recently.  It all started a several months ago, she would do it when I was out of the room or not looking.  Last night the situation came to a head, as she peed on my boyfriend’s brand new $800 mattress….while we were in bed!!!  She had just gone outside and did her business. 

She is pretty well potty trained, at my condo she goes outside on the patio where she has fake grass and at my boyfriend’s high rise condo, I take her downstairs to the doggie area.  She lets me know when she needs to go and has very few accidents which are usually my fault if I didn’t take her out on time or open the patio door. 

I could start crating her at night and that would obviously eliminate the problem of her peeing while we are in bed, however, it doesn’t stop her from running in the bedroom when we are doing other things or not looking and peeing on the bed.  Any ideas on why she could be doing this and how to train her to stop?  I highly doubt she has a UTI or any other medical problem, as this has been going on for months.  It has to be behavioral.  Please help!!