Papillon Showing

Hi, I am new to this lovely breed!  I have a 7 month old male papillon that I would like to show.  I live in northern Colorado, and papillons are very uncommon.  I have not been able to find a breeder/mentor in my vicinity. Could you suggest a good book/reference for showing and training papillons for the ring?

One Response to “Papillon Showing”

  1. forevr says:

    It is unfortunate there are few Papillon books available for training and then most of them are out of print. Try going to Amazon and see what you are able to purchase. A non Pap book is called Born to Win, that is a conformation learning book.

    My suggestion to contact a local kennel club or private obedience school and as if there are any Conformation Classes available.

    There is or was a Papillon Club in Colorado. Here is the link. Contact them to see if they are still active.

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