Hi, I am new to this lovely breed! I have a 7 month old male papillon that I would like to show. I live in northern Colorado, and papillons are very uncommon. I have not been able to find a breeder/mentor in my vicinity. Could you suggest a good book/reference for showing and training papillons for the ring?
It is unfortunate there are few Papillon books available for training and then most of them are out of print. Try going to Amazon and see what you are able to purchase. A non Pap book is called Born to Win, that is a conformation learning book.
My suggestion to contact a local kennel club or private obedience school and as if there are any Conformation Classes available.
There is or was a Papillon Club in Colorado. Here is the link. Contact them to see if they are still active. http://www.columbinepapillonclub.org/