I have a 4 year old Pap that I got from my nephew due to loosing his house. Boris is a GREAT little addition to our house but we are having problems with him marking in the house. If I leave for a while or take a shower even he is lifting his leg and marking on things. He is potty trained and goes outside to do his business but I don’t know what to do about the marking….Any ideas? Thanks
Archive for March, 2009
Tuesday, March 10th, 2009when should i begin outdoor potty training?
Thursday, March 5th, 2009my pap is 3 months old and it is march, and i am in a very cold state. i want to know when a good time to train my pap outdoors would be. i have tried several times to take him outside but he actually climbs up my leg and whines for me to pick him up. he wants nothing to do with the outsoors. he is very hard to potty train and i am very aware that they can take 8-10 months to potty train, i believe. what i was wondering, was when a good time would be to start training him outsoors?
Fault Coloring – Why?
Wednesday, March 4th, 2009I recently adopted a 4 year old Papillon through a friend who fosters rescue Papillons. Jazzie was rescued from a puppy mill at 6 months old.
She has what the AKC considers fault coloring – she has a brown nose and her lips and eyes are lined in brown instead of black. She is also “liver” colored – white with darker brown and a tan color. She does not have any black on her body at all. See picture below.
I’m not interested in showing her or anything, so I really like her unique features. I was mainly interested in giving her a second chance at life. 🙂
My Question: Why do some Paps (like Jazzie) have a brown nose instead of black? Is it a recessive gene? Is it a result of inbreeding (as far as I know – from her puppy mill “pedigree,” she hasn’t been inbred)? Or is it something like the albino features in humans?
Are there any health problems associated with brown-nosed Papillons?
Here is a picture of my sweet Jazzie.
Thanks! Stephanie
PS: She has all the standard Papillon features (besides the black) – tail, size, temperament, coat, etc.