I have a one year old Pap and was wondering if it is still possible to AKC register him?
Archive for August, 2008
AKC registration
Sunday, August 24th, 2008whoops! sorry
Sunday, August 24th, 2008I am sorry to the folks we did not reply too. I thought this blog was getting no traffic. It is supposed to notify me when there are have been blog post published… Well, it wasn’t and I didn’t think to check out why.
Anyhow post away and we will try to get all reasonable questions answered.
Ruth Ann – Forevr Papillons
My pap wont play!
Sunday, August 10th, 2008Hi,
3 years ago, I purchased my very first papillon. He is a male, and is the best friend I ever had, BUT..He’s very skitish and doesn’t play with any toys. He runs away when a someone else apart from me goes to pick him up.
If I call him over to play, he will not come, and i’ll findhim sleeping on the bed.
He is also afraid of water.
I’ve tried to play rough with him to get him excited. giving him toys with food, but nothing works.
The only thing he liked to do is agility.
Do you have an idea why he is like this?
If so, what can I do?
Papillon Showing
Sunday, August 3rd, 2008Hi, I am new to this lovely breed! I have a 7 month old male papillon that I would like to show. I live in northern Colorado, and papillons are very uncommon. I have not been able to find a breeder/mentor in my vicinity. Could you suggest a good book/reference for showing and training papillons for the ring?
papillion coat
Friday, August 1st, 2008I took my dog to petsmart for grooming and they cut his coat with a size 5 clippers. They told us they knew how to groom a Papillion (that they groom all types of dog breeds and know what to do) My daughter and I were so upset when we picked him up. Will his coat grow back and look good? He is 6 months old. I am shocked when strangers know that he is a papillion because he doesn’t look like one anymore. I just want to cry.
Thanks for you help.