Archive for November, 2007

Blog Up and Running

Thursday, November 29th, 2007

Danny & Ruth Ann FordHello and thank you for visiting our new question blog.

Please refrain from writing us at our personal email address with questions about Papillons. Write us here on the blog where everyone can benefit and participate.

If you would like to write to the blog, you will need to register a username, email address. After registration you will be sent a password. All people who register are automatically made blog authors and should be able to participate with writing to the blog. If you have any questions or can not figure out the blog to write and publish let us know at Please allow several days for an answer, we do travel and have a heavy dog show schedule this year. When we are at home base the dogs, the mail, and other responsibilities like our business must be taken care of too.

If you want more interaction with Papillon lovers, breeders, and exhibitors consider signing up to the Papillon-fancy email group. The link to sign up can be found on the home page.

Bloggers, We hope you enjoy our Papillon blog,

Ruth Ann and Danny Ford and Forevr Papillons

PS if for some reason we get hit by a bunch of spammers we will have to shut down the autosubscription method.  If you are unable to subscribe, we will have to ask you to write us at to set you up with an authors account.

Hello world!

Thursday, November 29th, 2007

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!